Task two- workshop/audition for a dance in a new style stylistic features

Stylistic features of contemporary

Contemporary dance background and where it originated-

Contemporary dance began at the start of the 20th century when US dancer Isadora Duncan (1878–1927) broke away from ballet and developed her own, more natural style. Contemporary dance has many different styles, some of them closely linked to music, such as jazz, rock and roll, and hip-hop. Around the 1980s, the term "contemporary dance" was created by a wave of new dancers who did not want to adhere to rigid classical ballet and lyrical dance forms, but instead sought to explore the realm of revolutionary unusual movements drawn from all dance traditions around the world. Contemporary dances, as a result, do not use fixed moves, but rather attempt to develop completely new forms and dynamics, such as quick oppositional moves, shifting alignments, expressions of raw emotions, systematic breathing, dancing moves performed in non-standing positions (for example, lying on the floor), and, in general, attempting to discover the absolute limits of our human form and physique.This renowned dance style may be traced back to various notable dance masters, including Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham, and Merce Cunningham. They were all determined to show the world that contemporary dancers should embrace freedom, reject old dance norms, and push the boundaries of the human body and visual expression of emotions. Furthermore, one of the originators to contemporary dance may be found in millennia-old traditions of Zen Buddhism and Indian Health Yoga, which integrate numerous dancing ideologies that closely reflect the principles of contemporary dance.Dancers may utilize contemporary dance to portray characters, reenact events, or communicate personal experiences. Its practices may also convey abstract themes such as ethical principles, self-acceptance, and current social challenges. Costumes often mirror the topic or tone of the accompanying music, and dancers frequently perform barefoot. This type of dancing can be performed to a variety of musical styles, spoken word poems and songs, or silence.

Stylistic features of contemporary dance- 

I personally feel that contemporary dance is an amazing way to express your feelings, it allows you to show your feelings through movement and come out of your comfort zone and allow your body to move like your minds telling you.

The style of contemporary dance uses a variety of different stylistic feature below I will give research on each one-


Contemporary dynamics can change quickly, shifting from a very delicate movement to a faster sharp one, this adds more texture to the dance, allowing the dancer to relate movements to the music and fully express the intent of the choreography.


in year 12 we become really confident in contractions as we learnt a lot about the practitioner Martha graham.

.help strengthen the core 



use of gravity in the body -

gravity can be used as a form of trust in dance its what makes the dance so fluent and elegant.




(Need to use laptop to add it)

Contemporary-dance.org. (n.d.). Contemporary Dance Terms. Retrieved from Contemporary-dance.org: https://www.contemporary-dance.org/dance-terms.html#:~:text=Contraction%3A%20term%20introduced%20by%20the%20modern%20dancer%20and,is%20a%20term%20used%20by%20dance%20researchers%20mainly.

World Dance Heritage. (2023, January 10 ). What is the Difference Between Jazz Dance and Contemporary Dance. Retrieved from World Dance Heritage: What is the Difference Between Jazz Dance and Contemporary Dance

Zeleman, M. (n.d.). What is contact improvisation . Retrieved from contact improvisation : https://www.contactimprov.com/whatiscontactimprov.html#:~:text=Contact%20Improvisation%20%28CI%29%20is%20a%20dance%20technique%20in,postmodern%20dance.%20Full%20wikipedia%20definition%20and%20history%20here.


  1. Well Done, clear discussion and identification of stylistic features.


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