Task 1-Key features of jazz dance

 The dance style Jazz originated in black America in the 20th century with isolating, sensuality Jazz dance paralleled the birth and spread of jazz itself from roots in Black American society and was popularized in ballrooms by the big bands of the swing era.

Key features/characteristics of Jazz Dance, which are used in musical theatre dance:

Isolating body parts:

In the style of jazz dance, the dancer would isolate a part of your body such as only the head, shoulder, rib cage, hips and wrists. For instance, in anna of Cleves song 'Get Down' the queens start of by isolating their wrists shown clicking to the beat shown in the clip below.


The style of Jazz is a very sexual style of dance which means making the body flow and look sexual throughout the movements which include slow to fast actions. In our SIX rehearsals in the song 'SIX 'during the lyrics 'The song blew their minds' we bend our knees moving our arms in and out slowly in sensuality way shown in the clip below.

The key features/characteristics of jazz dance in musical theatre-


The dance style of jazz can be very sensual and sexy especially with certain movements, the style looks sexual by moving the body parts fluently and making them flow by moving slow to fast. In our “six” rehearsals we learnt a new dance you could say this dance is sensual because we bend our knees moving our arms in and out, this movement is shown in the clip below.

Isolating body parts-

The style of jazz includes a lot of body isolations that being shoulders, belly, hands and the head. For example in the song “get down “ sung by Anne of cleves the queens isolate their wrists by clicking to the best of the song shown below.


To ensure that you are dancing your best while performing in the style of jazz you need to make sure your movement are quick and sharp.During our opening number “ex wives” we use a sharp movement on a count of three using are arms and legs on the lyrics “re-nai-sance” this is seen in the image before.

Bending of the knees-

Another key feature in jazz dance is the use of bent knees, In the opening number “six” on the lyrics “our riffs where on fire” we bend our knees while moving our hands from left to right. This action is shown below.


  1. You have identified some of the key features of Jazz Dance


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