Task 1-performance of six the musical


                                                      performance of six the musical


During SIX the musical we had to concentrate on the style of each dance ensuring that they were performed in the correct way. The main theme that occurred during the majority of the dances was jazz and contemporary with the only hip hop set of choreography being in the dance 'Get Down'. I personally feel as if I did well on performing the styles of dance chosen for the choreography as I made sure that throughout the jazz style dances my fingers were splayed and all arm movements were performed with strength and extension showing the bold open movements. I also ensured that I shew my low Centre of gravity throughout my movements mainly in the dance 'House of Holbein' when we perform our movement to the lyrics 'Try these heels, so high its naughty' as we are on the point of our toes balancing with our arms out. Another technique which I successfully used was idea of sensuality in the dance' All you wanna do' as the main aim was to seduce the audience in front of us by looking through our eyebrows as if we were trying to pull them into our spell. The way in how I could have improved during 'Get Down' was by making my moves sharper and less flowy and instead of one move flowing to another ensuring it was a quick sharp stop. 

I had my dad and my boyfriend come to watch the show and I made sure that after I spoke to them  about my strengths and my weaknesses. I was told by most family members that my opening positions in the beginning song 'Ex Wives' were strong and shew a lot of power throughout them all making sure that they flew from one to another however them knowing me could tell through they way i was acting that i was nervous.. A weakness that I got was that I need to improve on on the ending of my positions during the song 'Get Down' as they were a bit weak and flowy instead of being in the style of hip hop and street. 


I used my dynamics in a range of ways throughout the performance making sure that they connected all off the movements and communitive choreographic intent. The use of my dynamics can be seen in the dance 'SIX' as we were dancing with the use of strong and sudden movements and we then contrasted these with slow and flowy movements during janes Seymore's line in the dance. 

1.3-Context and Interpretation 

From the feedback that I got from some of the audience members I feel as if I successfully performed the meaning of the dance throughout the performance.

Each song during the SIX performances, consisted of each and every queen singing their stories of how Henry VIII treated them throughout the period of their relationship and how it ended with us ensemble performing a set of choreography to support their story telling and making it come alive. Every single dance was different with Catherine of Aragon's emotion being portrayal and Katherine Parr's emotion being abonnement. To ensure the emotion was portrayed throughout all of the numbers we had to make sure we used the correct facial expressions and that they were strong as possible. The main song which shew the most of emotion was during 'House of Holbein' as it was a comedic song with energetic movements linked to energetic lyrics.


physical- stamina, strength, balance, coordination, posture, alignment, extension, spatial awareness 

interpretive skills- facial expressions, focus, projection, musicality, timing, emphasis 



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