task 1-teacher feedback of performance of six


                                           teacher feedback based on six the musical 

my teacher feedback was given by charlotte 

My feedback was given based on the song "get down" which is in the style of hip-hop


All though I do not have video evidence of my teacher feedback from charlotte I did take into consideration and note of all of the things she said she also made me a list and starred all of the ones i can improve on and put a wavy line next to the ones I was strong in. I personally feel that after being given my teacher feedback and hearing what I needed to improve on made me really driven to improve on those things in the next show I take part in. Charlotte said that I was consistent for most numbers and really accurate and consistent in the styles.  Charlotte explained how my characterization was really good however i could have reacted to Rudis character a little bit more as the song is based off what Hes saying and what are reactions are to being put in that situation. The physical skills I was told were consistent throughout were co-ordination, accuracy, alignment and control. From this feedback I can confirm that i delivered a strong performance and was consistently using my physical skills in all numbers. I was able to communicate the, meaning of each number through my facial expressions and characterization. I personally feel I could've improved on my body language I feel as I was fairly nervous i kind of stopped myself and weakened my ability to perform to my full ability. The physical skills that i could improve on are my stamina and strength, I feel that in order to improve on these weaknesses i will consistently go over the numbers next time in my own time to make sure I am able to keep that strength and stamina up the whole way through the performance. Charlotte also explained how the style of the dance is hip-hop and she could see I really tried to execute and show that style of hip -hop however because I'm so used to dancing more lyrical and contemporary style in some movement I was a little  more elegant when is this style i needed to be a lot more aggressive and powerful to really over exaggerate and show the style of the number "get down". the interpretive skills that i was confident in and was consistently showing were focus and  rhythm i can agree that through out   both the shows and rehearsal progress i was really focused and dedicated to doing well in the show. The areas of my interpretive skills i need to improve and work on for in the future are my facial expressions and projection of character, i feel that i tried to execute this throughout however my nerves got the best of me and you can really see on my face when that's the case and I'm trying to focus on the moves as much as possible in order to not forget anything. For me to improve on this in the future ni really need to work on the numbers and make sure i know everything meaning, timings, cues and all of the other little bits that will make me a lot more confident in knowing what I'm doing so then i can  really show my character and work on those facial expressions and be consistent the  whole way through the show.

physical skills i can improve on-



physical skills i was really strong in -





interpretive skills  I can improve on-

.facial expressions

.projection of character

interpretive skills i was consistently strong in-




  1. clearly you have listened to the teacher feedback and acted on it.


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